Mtandao wa vibaka na uhalifu wajiimarisha maeneo mengiDar es Salaam. P translation - Mtandao wa vibaka na uhalifu wajiimarisha maeneo mengiDar es Salaam. P English how to say

Mtandao wa vibaka na uhalifu wajiim

Mtandao wa vibaka na uhalifu wajiimarisha maeneo mengi
Dar es Salaam. Pamoja na kuendelea kuvutia misururu ya watu wanaoingia katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam kila kukicha, maeneo yake mengi yamebainika kuwa si salama.
Uchunguzi uliofanywa na timu ya waandishi wa Mwananchi katika maeneo mbalimbali yanayotajwa kwa uporaji, umethibitisha kuwapo kwa matukio ya wizi na uporaji kwa kutumia mbinu mpya zinazobuniwa na vibaka kila kukicha.
Maeneo hatarishi ambayo yamebainika katika uchunguzi huo ni pamoja na Buguruni, Kinondoni, Tandale, Msasani, Mwananyamala, Ubungo, Temeke na hata maeneo ya ‘uzunguni’.
Katika maeneo yaliyofanyiwa uchunguzi, zimebainika aina na mbinu tofauti za wizi, ukiwamo wa simu na maeneo zinapouzwa.
Mbinu hizo ni vibaka kujifanya wanafanya mazoezi ya kukimbia na kuwakwapua mikoba na kompyuta wapitanjia. Pia wapo wanaofanya hivyo kwa kutumia pikipiki na magari. Wapo pia wanaojifanya wanaongoza magari na wengine kujifanya wanajitolea kukarabati barabara.
Eneo la Mkwajuni limekuwa na matukio mbalimbali ya kihalifu ikiwamo ukabaji na uporaji wa vitu na mali za watembea kwa miguu.
Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya Mtaa wa Kawawa, Elizabeth Massawe anasema: “Mwaka jana hali ilikuwa mbaya zaidi na watu walikuwa wanakabwa sana. Lakini kuanzia Januari mpaka Machi kuna watu watatu tu ndiyo waliokutwa wamekufa katika Bonde la Mkwajuni, kuna vijana wawili wa kiume na mwanamke mmoja aliyeuawa na kutupwa chini ya Daraja la Mto Ng’ombe hapo bondeni.”
Massawe anataja sababu ya kukithiri kwa matukio hayo kuwa ni pamoja na eneo hilo lenye vichaka na uwazi mkubwa, kuwa mbali na makazi ya watu… “Kwa hivyo inakuwa rahisi vibaka kufanya uhalifu, lakini tayari nimeshaunda kikosi cha ulinzi shirikishi ambacho kinaendelea na kazi ya kuimarisha ulinzi.”
Mjumbe wa Mtaa wa Mkunguni B, Rajabu Omary anasema mpaka sasa hakuna usalama wa watu kutembea kwa miguu katika eneo la bonde hilo kutoka Magomeni au Kinondoni Studio.
“Kuanzia saa 12.00 jioni hutakiwi kutembea kwa miguu kama unahitaji kuwa salama, vinginevyo utakuwa unatengeneza ushawishi wa kufanyiwa uhalifu. Ulinzi wa polisi hauwezi kufika mpaka huku, lakini sisi na jamii kwa pamoja tunatakiwa kuwa walinzi kwa kila mmoja wetu.”
Maeneo hayo ambayo siyo salama, yanajumuisha eneo la Kinondoni Studio na kwa Manyanya.
Licha ya kukithiri kwa wizi, maeneo hayo yanatumika pia kama kichaka cha wahalifu hao. Vibaka wengi baada ya kuiba hukimbilia barabara za Morogoro na Kawawa kwenye mabonde ya Jangwani na Mkwajuni kujificha.
Katika Bonde la Mkwajuni kuelekea Jangwani, huko kunatajwa kuwa ni hatarishi zaidi kwani asilimia kubwa ya vibaka wa maeneo mbalimbali ya jijini wameweka makazi yao eneo hilo na huishi katika vibanda vilivyojengwa kwa miti na mifuko ya sandarusi.
Mkazi wa Mkwajuni, Mwanaisha Simbakalia anasema hali si salama kwani hata wale wanaopora kwa kutumia pikipiki nao hukimbilia huko na baadhi ya pikipiki zinazotumika kufanyia uhalifu hufichwa katika maeneo hayo.
“Ukitaka kuthibitisha hilo, pita maeneo ya hapo bondeni Mkwajuni kuanzia saa moja jioni, utaona pikipiki nyingi zinatokea huko bondeni zinakuja kupaki maeneo ya pale Morocco Magomeni,” anasema Mwanaisha.
Mkazi mwingine, Anatory Mkude anasema vitu vingi vinavyoporwa kwenye maeneo ya Magomeni, Kariakoo, Mkwajuni, vinafichwa katika maeneo hayo na baadhi ya wafanyabiashara wanakwenda kununua na kwenda kuviuza mikoa ya jirani na hususan pikipiki.
“Vitu vyote vinavyoibwa kwenye barabara hii ya Morogoro na Kawawa vinauzwa huku, waporaji wote wanapatikana huku haya maeneo si salama hata kidogo,” anasema.
Dawa za kulevya
Wakazi wa Kinondoni pia walieleza kuwa dawa za kulevya zinauzwa bila kificho maeneo hayo: “Hebu angalia juu ya nyaya hizo za umeme, si unaona vile viatu vinavyoning’inia, hiyo ni alama yao inayotambulisha kuwa eneo hilo ukihitaji dawa za kulevya unazipata.
“Ukiona kuna viatu vingi kwenye waya mmoja viking’inia ujue hapo kuna dawa za kulevya za aina zote, kuanzia unga, mirungi na bangi,” anasema Mkude na kuongeza kuwa biashara hizo ni miongoni mwa sababu kubwa zinazowafanya baadhi ya wakazi katika maeneo hayo kugoma kuhama licha ya Serikali kuwataka wafanye hivyo ili kuepuka maafa.
Mkazi wa eneo la Jangwani, Sunguti Mrindoke anasema alihamia hapo mwaka 2009, akitokea Kigoma na kusema kuwa maeneo hayo yamejaa vitendo vya uhalifu.
Mbinu mpya Msasani, Masaki
Wakazi wa Msasani, Masaki na Oysterbay ambako awali hakukuwa na wizi wa kutishia, katika siku za hivi karibuni wamelalamika kuibuka kwa aina ya uhalifu.
Makundi ya vijana wanaofanya mazoezi ya kukimbia hukwapua mali za watembea kwa miguu katika barabara kubwa na ndogo.
Mara nyingi wezi hao huiba asubuhi wakiwategea wale wanaoamka mapema kuwahi kazini au katika shughuli zao za kawaida.
“Utawaona vijana wako katika makundi wanakimbia, ghafla wanakukaribia wanakuibia na kuendelea kukimbia, hata ukipiga kelele si rahisi watu kujua kinachoendelea,” anasema mkazi wa Masaki, Ubalozini, Salome Semdoe.
Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Kipolisi Kinondoni, Camillius Wambura anasema, amewahi kupata malalamiko hayo ya vijana wanaojifanya kwamba wanafanya mazoezi asubuhi kufanya uhalifu.
“Unajua wimbi la wizi kama huu lipo na nimeshapata malalamiko kutoka kwa wakazi wa hayo maeneo, tunalifanyia kazi. Mambo kama haya yapo hata katika nchi zilizoendelea, hadi leo hii Marekani nao wanalalamika vibaka wa aina hii na kuna ukabaji kama ilivyo hapa,” anasema.
Wambura anasema wizi wa aina hiyo na kuibuka kwa wimbi la makundi ya uhalifu kama Panya Road, unaendelea kukua baada ya kukua kwa sayansi na teknolojia ambako vijana wanajifunza uhalifu kupitia mitandao ya kijamii.
Mkazi wa Msasani, CCBRT, Prisca Mlaponi alitoa ushuhuda akisema amewahi kuibiwa mkoba wake wenye fedha na hereni na vijana waliokuwa wamevaa nguo za mazoezi huku wakikimbia.
Kadhalika, wakazi wa maeneo ya Kariakoo, Jangwani wamelalamikia wizi wa aina yake ambao makundi ya vijana ambao hujifanya wanatengeneza barabara huwasubiri waendesha bodaboda na wenye magari na kuwaibia.
Akielezea tukio lililomkuta, dereva wa Bodaboda, Seif Mashishanga anasema aliporwa na vijana hao alipokuwa akitaka kuvuka Uwanja wa Kajima akielekea Kariakoo.
“Tuliwakuta vijana sita wakiwa wanajenga barabara, walipotuona wakatusimamisha na kutudai fedha za ujenzi wa barabara, tuliposimama tu wakatuvamia na kutusachi mifukoni, walichukua simu na kila kitu, pamoja na bodaboda.”
Katika eneo la Mwananyamala, vibaka wanatumia mbinu ya kupanda daladala kama abiria wa kawaida na wakiwa humo huwasoma abiria wenye vitu vya thamani.
Wakati wakushuka vibaka hao hukwapua pochi au simu na kushuka huku wakikimbia.
Maeneo yanayosifika kwa wizi huo ni Mwanayamala A au njia panda ya kwenda Hospitali ya Mwananyamala na Ujiji.
Mkazi wa Mwananyama Ujiji, Sharifa Abdallah anasema wezi hao ni wenyeji na wanajulikana maeneo hayo hivyo hata inapotokea amekwapua na aliyeibiwa kupiga yowe hawezi kupata msaada.
“Kibaka anaweza kupanda daladala katika kituo cha A, akifika Ujiji au kwa Manjunju anaomba kushuka lakini tayari ameshamsoma mtu atakayemkwapua, japo konda anakuwa mlangoni anakopitia huyo mwizi lakini hamfanyi chochote kwa kuogopa ‘kufanyiziwa’ au na yeye ana mgawo wake katika wizi huo,” anasema.
Wageni Ubungo
Eneo la Ubungo darajani jirani kabisa na kituo cha mabasi yaendayo mikoani, vibaka wanaongezeka kila kukicha na wanabuni mbinu mbalimbali za wizi.
Abiria wanaokwenda mikoani wamekuwa wakiporwa vitu vyao na matapeli hao ambao wamekuwa wakiwarubuni kwa kuwauzia sabuni au mbao badala ya simu.
Mwandishi wetu ameshuhudia simu hizo zikiuzwa kwa abiria hao kuanzia Sh15,000 mpaka 30,000 na baada ya kuuza wauzaji hao hutokomea.
Eneo la Ubungo Darajani nako kuna wale wanaochezesha kamari kwa kutumia karata tatu. Hili ni kundi la vijana ambao wanakuwa wengi wengine wakisubiri wapita njia na kuwapora simu na mikoba yao kisha vibaka ho wanakimbilia chini ya daraja.
Ukifika eneo hili kama uko kwenye foleni ukiwa ndani ya daladala, gari binafsi au unatembea kwa miguu lazima uwe makini hasa kwa vitu kama simu za mkononi, pochi na begi la mgongoni.
Kwa mfanokama ‘unachati’ na simu halafu madirisha ya gari yako wazi, si ajabu simu yako ikakwapuliwa. Inaelezwa kuwa vibaka wa Buguruni si rahisi kuwakamata kwa sababu wanavifahamu vichochoro vyote vya maeneo hayo.
Kadhalika, vibaka wengine hufanya uhalifu huo kwa makundi. Wanajifanya wanapigana au wamemkamata mwizi sasa ukithubutu kuingilia wanakugeuza wewe mwizi halafu wanakuibia kila ulichonacho na kuondoka.
Lakini wizi wa hatari zaidi Buguruni ulioibuka hivi karibuni ni ule wa kujifanya wanakuja karibu na gari lako wakati unaegesha.
Wezi hao hujisogeza karibu na kuanza kukuelekeza sehemu ya kuegesha au jinsi ya kugeuza. Wakati unafungua mlango ili utoke, mwizi hushikilia sehemu ya mlango bila wewe kujua. Ukigeuza mgongo tu chochote atakachokikuta ndani ya gari, ni halali yake.
Chang’ombe, Keko,
Katika eneo hili, vibaka wamekuwa tishio katika maeneo ya Barabara ya Changombe na Darajani eneo la Keko licha ya kuwapo kwa doria ya mara kwa mara ya polisi wakishirikiana na ulinzi shirikishi.
Baadhi ya vibaka hao wanadaiwa kutumia mbinu ya kujichanganya na wafanyabishara ndogondogo ambao huuza bidhaa zao kandokando ya barabara.
“Mara kadhaa tumeshuhudia watu wakiporwa hasa wakiwa ndani ya magari, wengine wanajifanya waosha magari lakini kumbe ndiyo wanachunguza kitu wanachoweza kuiba haraka, kisha utashtukia gari likigongwa kwa nguvu lazima utashtuka na kushusha kioo ili kuangalia kinachoendelea hapo ndipo unalizwa,” anasema Athumani Mussa.
Anasema wezi hao wamekuwa wakipora zaidi simu na mikoba midogo ya kina mama.
Akizungumzia hali hiyo, aliyekuwa Mwenyekiti wa Serikali ya Mtaa wa Keko Mwanga A, Rama Diga anasema vitendo vya uporaji katika eneo hilo vimeendelea kushamiri ingawa polisi jamii wamekuwa wakifanya jitihada za kuthibiti.
“Kweli wanasumbua hasa kuanzia saa 12 jioni lakini nakumbuka mwaka jana nikiwa bado mweny
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Network consolidation criminal thugs and many places
in Dar es Salaam. As well as continue to attract a series of people who come in Dar es Salaam each dawning day, its territories lot has been detected that is not safe.
Tests conducted by a team of writers Citizen in various places mentioned in the looting, has confirmed the existence of cases of theft by using new methods established and mandated thugs every dawning day.
Areas at risk which has been detected in the study include Buguruni, Kinondoni, Tandale, Msasani, Mwananyamala, Ubungo, Temeke and even areas of 'uzunguni'.
In areas ranked in the investigation, have been identified types and different types of theft, if you are mobile and zinapouzwa areas.
These methods are thugs pretending they do practice run and kuwakwapua handbags and wapitanjia computer. Also there are some who do so using motorcycles and cars. There are also countries who are leading automotive and others pretend they volunteered to repair the road.
Area Mkwajuni has multiple instances of criminal, including the defensive and looting of objects and properties of pedestrians.
Chairman of the Local Government of Kawawa, Elizabeth Massawe says: "Last year the state was worse and people were very throttled. But from January until March there are only three reports were found dead in the Valley of Mkwajuni, there are two young boys and a woman who was killed and thrown down the Bridge River Cattle that valley. "
Massawe is mentioned because of the severity of these events that are as well as the area with shrubs and great clarity, that far from human settlements ... "So it becomes easy thugs commit crimes, but already I shaunda force protection participatory what's going on with the task of strengthening protection."
The Messenger of Street Mkunguni B, Rajab Omary says until now there is no security of people walking on foot in the area of the basin from MAGOMENI or Kinondoni Studio.
"Starting at 12:00 pm you do not have to walk if you want to be safe, otherwise you will be made ​​to undergo the influence of crime. Protection of the police can not arrive until about, but we and society together we should be a guard for every one of us. "
These areas that are not safe, include location of Kinondoni Studio and aloofness.
Despite the severity of the theft, these areas are used as well as bush of these criminals. Thugs majority after stealing a refuge roads Morogoro and Kawawa in the valleys of the Wilderness and Mkwajuni hide.
In the Valley of Mkwajuni toward the wilderness, there is mentioned that it was risky than for a large percentage of thugs to different areas of the city have set their residence area and live in huts constructed by trees and pockets of gum.
Resident Mkwajuni, Mwanaisha Simbakalia says the situation is not safe for even those who plundered by motorbike and rush there and some motorcycles are used to manipulating crime is hidden in these areas.
"To prove it, passing through areas that valley Mkwajuni starting at one evening, you will see the motorcycle most occur in the valley come parking areas where Morocco MAGOMENI, "says Mwanaisha.
Another resident, Anatory Mkude says many things vinavyoporwa in areas MAGOMENI, Kariakoo, Mkwajuni, vinafichwa in these areas and some traders to buy and to sell the neighboring regions and especially motorcycles.
"Everything vinavyoibwa on this road of Morogoro and Kawawa sold here, looters both found while these areas are not safe at all," he says.
Residents of Kinondoni also explained that Drugs are sold without code these areas: "Just look over these cables electricity, do not you see how the shoes vinavyoning'inia, that is their mark identifies that area if you need drugs you received.
"If you see no shoes many on single wire viking 'Hang know that there are drugs of all types, ranging from flour, qat and marijuana, "says Mkude, adding that those businesses are among the major reasons why some residents in those areas to strike moving despite the Government urging them to do so in order to avoid disaster .
A resident of the area of the desert, Sunguti Mrindoke says he moved there in 2009, across from Kigoma to say that these places are full of crime.
A new method Msasani, Masaki
Residents of Msasani, Masaki and Oysterbay where previously there was no theft of threatening, in the days of recently have complained to emerge for a variety of crimes.
Groups of young people who practice run is Apua property of pedestrians in road big and small.
Often thieves, who are stealing the morning they put forth those who get up early ever at work or in their normal activities.
"You see young they are in groups they fled, and suddenly they approach the stealth and continue to run, even if you cry not easy people to know what is going on, "says a resident of Masaki, Chancery, Salome Semdoe.
Regional Police Commander of Police Kinondoni, Camillius Wambura says, he has never received a complaint that a young who pretend that they do morning exercises commit crimes.
"You know, a wave of thefts like this exists and I've had complaints from residents of these areas, we are working on. Things like this are even in developed countries, to this day US and complain thugs of this type and there was defensive, as here, "he said.
Wambura says the theft of the same kind with the emergence of a wave of criminal groups as Rat Road, continues to grow after the growth of science and technology, where young people learn crime through social networks.
A resident of Msasani, CCBRT, Prisca Mlaponi gave testimony, saying he had stolen his wallet with money and an earring and adolescents who were clothed in practice as they fled.
Likewise, residents of areas Kariakoo, Wilderness have complained about the theft of its kind in which groups of young people who pretend they made ​​roads to wait operators boda boda cyclist and motorists to rob.
Describing the incident lililomkuta, driver Boda boda, Seif Mashishanga says he was robbed by youths as he wanted to cross the Field of Kajima his way to Kariakoo.
" Tuliwakuta six boys as they build roads, they potuona stopped us, demanding money for the construction of the road, we stopped just were attacked by kutusachi pockets, took the phone and everything, with the boda boda. "
In the area of Mwananyamala, thugs are using techniques of plant bus as passengers normal and as it is read about passengers with precious things.
When wakushuka thugs they are Apua wallet or phone and falling while running.
Areas yanayosifika for theft is Mwanayamala A or ramp to go to hospital Mwananyamala and Ujiji.
Resident Mwananyama Ujiji, Sharifa Abdallah says not they are locals and distinguished these areas so that the event has Apua and has stolen scream can not get help.
"Baka can plant bus in the center of A, he reached Ujiji or Manjunju prays decline but already shamsoma whoever mkwapua, although lean is that the door is transit the thief, but do not do anything to fear 'it shall be performed' or he has his assignment in the theft, "he says.
Guests Ubungo
Area Ubungo Causeway neighbor completely and bus station lane street hinterland, thugs are added every dawning day and they devised various methods of theft.
Passengers wishing to go regions have been robbed of their belongings and quack those who have been connive to sell soap or timber instead of the phone.
Our correspondent has witnessed handsets exports going to the passengers from Sh15,000 to 30,000 and after-sale sellers they are disappearing.
Area Ubungo Darajani and here there are those who flirt gambling using three cards. This is a group of young people who have many others waiting for passersby and kuwapora phone with their purses and thugs ho they ran under the bridge.
On arrival this area if you're in a queue while inside the bus, private car or on foot must be particularly careful to items such as cell phones, wallets and my backpack.
For mfanokama 'you chart' and then call your car windows open, no wonder your phone ikakwapuliwa. It mentions that the thugs of Buguruni not easy to catch them because they appreciate all lanes these areas.
Likewise, some thugs do the same crime groups. Pretendeing to be fighting or have caught the thief now you dare to intervene they divert you a thief and then they rob all you have to leave.
But the theft of more dangerous Buguruni that developed recently is that of pretending they come closer to your car when you park.
The thieves they are pushed around and started to point a parking lot or How to turn. When you open the door to get out of, the thief is holding the door without you knowing. Turneth back just anything will kachokikuta inside the car, it is not lawful for him.
Chang'ombe, Keko,
In this area, the thugs have been a threat in the Road to Changombe and Darajani area of Keko despite the presence of the patrol's regular police in collaboration with Defense participatory.
Some thugs they allegedly using techniques mingle with traders small who sell their wares along the road.
"Several times we have seen people being robbed especially inside cars, others pretended to washing cars, but it is investigating what they could steal quickly, then you shtukia car likigongwa for power should be shocked and download mirror to look at what is going on then you asked, "he said Athumani Mussa.
She can not they have been plundered over the phone and handbags small mothers.
Commenting on the situation, the former Chairman of the Local Government of Keko Mwanga A, Rama ndiga says acts of looting in the area continued to flourish even though the police community have been working hard to control.
"You really inconvenient especially starting at 12 pm but I remember last year I still meny
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